Hawaiian Ka Huna Massage

Spiritual, flowing, rhythmic massage for every body.

What is Ka Huna Body Work?

Ka Huna body work originated in the South Pacific & was used during Rites of Passage as a transformational massage & healing system. It is also know as Hawaiian Temple massage & Lomi Lomi.

Ka huna body work is unique in a number of respects. The practitioner uses their hands, forearms & elbows as they move around the table, using flowing hula & tai chi style movements & deep breathing. They apply soft and deep tissue massage as they work with the Client’s energy. Music is played and the practitioner adjusts the flow of the massage & Their breath to Harmonize with it - helping to relax the client’s nervous system as they balance the body & mind physically, emotionally & spiritually.

This modality Is most beneficial for the lymphatic, immune, circulatory, respiratory & digestive systems - physically re-energizing & Rejuvenating the body. throughout the massage, the practitioner will glide over, under & around the entire body - often starting at one end of the body & ending up at the other end in one long flowing stroke.

Other benefits include: an overall sense of well-being & Empowerment, self-love & acceptance, clarity & confidence, Open-heartedness & trust, releases deep-seated neuromuscular tension, instills a sense of peace, Balance & relaxation.

Intention is everything -

Ka huna is much more than a massage, it’s an experience, an active meditation for both the client & the practitioner. My table is an all-inclusive space for every human to come as they are and receive. Aloha is my intention for every session - unconditional love. I show up at each session to share an experience with you.

every time you have a ka huna session, you will experience something different - sometimes it’s physical pain relief and relaxation, other times you may unlock stuck emotions by crying or laughing during the massage. i am there to provide a safe, supportive environment, Compassion & Understanding as I help facilitate your experience of self-healing.

What to expect & F.A.Q -

Ka huna massage is done on a sheet-free massage table, allowing the practitioner to glide under the body with ease. Due to the nature of the full body massage strokes, it is recommended that the client remove all clothing before getting on the table, however, the massage can be adjusted to the client’s comfort level if they prefer to leave undergarments on. The client will always be appropriately draped, per state law with a sarong or light top sheet. Stick on pasties will also be provided for anyone who would like to receive the traditional breast massage (optional).

This style of massage requires more oil than traditional therapeutic massages session, due to the flowing nature & under-body work. Clients will be cleaned with warm towels at the end of the session, however, some oil will remain and clients should bear that in mind if scheduling activities post-massage.

Who can receive?

Anyone who is open to the experience! The more open you are to relaxing & receiving the work, the greater the impact. All bodies are welcome.

When should I receive a Ka Huna massage?

Whenever you feel drawn to it. Traditionally done during rites of passage, it is a beautiful service to receive when you are moving through a life transition - birthdays, career shifts, life changes, moon cycles, etc.

However, it can be received as often as you like and you certainly don’t need a big reason to receive one. Ka huna massages are incredibly relaxing both physically & mentally, perfect for any one, any time.

What should I wear?

Whatever you’re comfortable with. for this style of massage, it’s best if you remove all clothing before getting on the table. All Sensitive areas will be appropriately draped at all times. If you are more comfortable leaving your underwear on, that’s perfectly fine - it just may get a little oily during the session.